Meet Our New Senior Graphic Designer: Kassidy Kann

Meet our new Senior Designer! Kassidy brings a fresh design perspective to The Sampson House. She's already digging into client brands and learning the ropes at TSH. When she's not in the studio, you might find Kassidy exploring nature with her husband and furry friends, or engrossed in a great book. We're eager to see Kassidy's design skills flourish within our team – give her a warm welcome!

Name: Kassidy Kann

College: South Dakota State University

Hometown: Britton, SD

Role: Senior Graphic Designer

Birthday: May 21

Instagram Handle: @Kassidy.Opal

Coffee Drink of Choice: Cold Brew in the summer / Latte in the winter 


How did you first learn about TSH and what drew you to us?

I first learned about TSH in college through networking events. The modern branding and atmosphere immediately attracted me, along with its progressive approach to work-life balance and innovation.

What are 3 words to describe The Sampson House?

Creative | Energetic | Modern

What projects are you currently working on? Which have been your favorite so far?

I’m currently working on learning the ins and outs of TSH and the client brands. I’ve enjoyed looking through past projects and getting to see the type of design style that each client leans towards.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?

Knowing I’ll be able to use work as my creative outlet!

What do you spend your time doing when you’re not at work?

Reading | Hiking | Playing with my two dogs | Crafting | Decorating my home | Thrifting | Spending time outdoors | Traveling with my husband

When did you develop an interest in art, design, and marketing?

I was lucky to have an amazing art teacher when I was younger who really encouraged my creativity. I just couldn't get enough of art classes in high school and I practically lived in the art room. When I got to college, I fell in love with graphic design. The new challenge of creating digital art with a specific audience in mind was just what i needed.

What’s a current marketing trend you see happening right now?

Design that looks like it was hand-done. With all the mass manufacturing in the world, people are craving one-of-a-kind pieces. Whether that be jewelry, home decor, or design. People are looking for authenticity and originality.

Who would be your dream client to work with and why?

I would love the opportunity to work with the national parks in the U.S. The vintage national park posters are so fun, and the amount of design opportunities inspired by nature is endless. Visiting the parks would also be a great perk!

Best advice you’ve ever received?

“You don’t have to understand life. You just have to live it.”

The best advice I’ve received in the past few years has come from the book The Midnight Library. As a young adult, it can be challenging to figure out your purpose or what you want to do with your future. This book has really put into perspective that if you wallow in indecisiveness or the unknown, you will never truly live. This book really impacted the way I viewed life after.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Adventurous | Creative | Passionate

What’s your favorite thing about your position?

Getting to be creative and collaborating with others to make something beautiful!

What’s your ultimate bucket-list travel destination?

Hạ Long Bay, Vietnam

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I’d like to meet Frank Lloyd Wright so he can design my dream home with a conversation pit and lots of wood paneling.

Your favorite restaurant?

Tokyo 26

3 Interesting things about you:

I’ve been to 6 new countries in the past 2 years

I’m running my first half-marathon in August

I’ll be hosting a foreign exchange student for the 24\25 school year

What are you currently listening to on your playlist?

Indie or alternative music! Some of my favorite artists on repeat are the Backseat Lovers, Joe P, Briston Maroony, Noah Kahan, JAWNY, and Kay Flay.

Go-to TV show?

“The Office” is my comfort show, but I also love my fair share of reality TV.

How do you define success?

Through life experiences. I believe success is not defined by status or money but by a long life of memories with the people you love.

What do you bring to the table here at TSH?

My creativity and passion for design! I love turning art into something that can be used for communication purposes.


Meet Our New Social Media Coordinator: Kailie Hopkins


July 2024 Desktop Calendars Are Here!