July 2024 Desktop Calendars Are Here!

June FLEW by! We have added some fantastic new clients and projects to our roster, and let's just say the brainstorming sessions have been sparking creativity! 

Summer hours are officially in full swing, and our team is taking full advantage. We've been traveling, exploring local trails, perfecting our golf swings (or at least trying to), and soaking up as much vitamin D as possible.

July is shaping up to be another jam-packed month. We're ready to take a day off to celebrate the 4th, continue marking spots off on our travel bucket lists, head out of the office for upcoming shoots, and even sneak a few extra games of pickleball in. 

Needing a little summer inspiration? Our desktop calendars are here to turn your workspace into the perfect picnic spot. Download yours below!

July desktop calendar on laptop near pool
Gingham print background on iPhone mockup
iphone and tablets with july backgrounds

Meet Our New Senior Graphic Designer: Kassidy Kann


June 2024 Calendar Desktop Wallpapers