April Desktop Calendar

What a month. And the month has only begun. We are living in some weird, historical and downright uneasy times. We hope everyone is remaining safe, calm and positive. This shall pass. In the meantime, we are embracing all shut-in activities (please …

What a month. And the month has only begun. We are living in some weird, historical and downright uneasy times. We hope everyone is remaining safe, calm and positive. This shall pass. In the meantime, we are embracing all shut-in activities (please share with us anything you’re doing to pass time, stay connected with friends/family, shows you’re binge watching, recipes you’re making, etc.) ways to slow down, embrace the ones you love and to be thankful.

Sharing our April inspo with you all and hoping it helps get you through this very weird time.

Praying for everyone in their different circumstances. Remember we are all in this together. Apart.

Cheers to being a homebody,

The Sampson House

A friendly reminder to wash your hand. Together we can help fight COVID-19.

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Meet the Intern: Huong


The Ultimate Getaway Guide to Black Hills