The Sampson House 2023 Work Recap

Our team has had an exciting year full of great clients, fun projects, and a wonderful team! We are so excited for the year ahead, but we wanted to take some time to reflect back on each team member’s favorite things we’ve worked on this year.

Want to see how we could help you reach your goals? Reach out to us and let's see what amazing things we can achieve together as your marketing agency. Now, get ready to read all about our team’s experience with one of our most exciting years to date.


I get to be a part of so many fun projects within a year. Everything from pitching new work, to seeing a stunning new website go live, to watching the engagement go wild on a social media post. It's really tough to pick just one.

I've personally really enjoyed the creative collaboration with our team when pitching for new work. Something really cool and magical always comes out of a good brainstorming session with our crew. Submitting our brainchild concepts to other organizations has been fun.

I've also really enjoyed watching the stunning transformation of several new websites this year. Voyage Federal Credit Union, South Dakota Housing, Hungry For Truth, NAWFI, and Jane Rae Events, just to name a few. :)

Another favorite was seeing a card hub campaign come to an animated life for Voyage Federal Credit Union. We got to start work with several new brands this year, and I always love the energy of kicking off a new project.


This year has been maybe the most exciting we have had yet. I have been really happy to be able to work with some really great projects this year including the Voyage Federal Credit Union Tips For Change podcast, also some really great farmer features for Hungry for Truth. I like to think of ourselves as a client and I spearheaded our office renovation project as well. Stop by sometime, we’ll give you a tour :)


Choosing my favorite project from this year is no easy task with our fantastic array of clients, but if I had to pick, a few stole the show. Crafting the Hungry for Truth rich media ad unit was a definite highlight. It was a fresh challenge, and working on the motion graphics to captivate viewers was a rewarding puzzle to solve.

Another noteworthy project was breathing new life into the Hungry for Truth, Voyage Federal Credit Union, and NAWFI websites. Collaborating on the design aspects while watching Reva work her magic on the build-out was a great balance, and I'm proud of the cohesive digital experiences we created.

However, the cherry on top has to be the Voyage Federal Credit Union branch mural. Designing and seeing it come to life in their branch was an incredible journey.

A mockup of NAWFI's new website
A Voyage Credit Union branch's reception area with a custom green city mural


I’ve been really blessed with some great projects this year, so it is very hard for me to pick just one. But a few standouts are: SD Housing’s 2023 annual report, Precious Angels Welcome Packets, and launching seven websites this year.

A digital mockup of South Dakota Housing's 2023 annual report design
Digital rendering of Precious Angel's new welcome packet on a purple background


It’s hard to narrow down my favorite projects because we’ve worked on so many fantastic ones this year! One of my favorite media projects has to be the rich media unit we launched for Hungry for Truth. It’s the first time we’ve implemented one of these high-impact units, and it was a fun one to plan out! I also launched a brand new media campaign for The Rock Block and helped them market his new website and e-commerce through paid media.

We’ve also worked diligently on Zephyr’s organic strategy this year through SEO, and it’s been fulfilling to see the results come out of that work! It’s also been a fun year pitching new clients and brainstorming with the team. It’s a very exciting time with a lot of things coming down the pipeline!


Since I joined the team in May full-time, I am in constant awe of all of the work that we put out for our clients. It is an extraordinary feeling to watch a project go from a thought put down on paper to a full campaign or a tangible asset. We have a very collaborative team, which calls for super great brainstorms that end with an idea or project we cannot wait to start on.

One of my favorite projects to be a part of is Hungry For Truth's Soybean Stories.

Getting to go around to South Dakota farms or ranches and experience their livelihoods is extremely rewarding! The Sampson House has a huge focus on storytelling, and so getting to take their story and create something that we can share with a large audience is incredible. I am looking forward to all of the projects that we get to show off in 2024 - it is going to be a great year!

A farmer holding his daughter up with her grandfather in an pasture by cattle.


In my short time at The Sampson House, I have worked on so many interesting projects it’s hard to pick my favorites. To make it easier, I have a couple that I would like to choose.

I enjoy learning new things and animating, so the new Voyage Federal Credit Union contactless credit and debit card graphics were perfect for trying something in 3D. It was a lot of trial and error, but I am very pleased with the results. Speaking of animation, the Voyage LED boards were another great opportunity and challenge to make several animations.


There are so many fun projects happening throughout the year that it is hard to pick one, but it is fun to relive the year and all the amazing things we get to work on for our clients. One of my favorite projects this year was shooting all of the Foodie Films for Hungry for Truth. Scouring the internet and social media for recipes and glam shot inspo is so fun! I also love making and testing new recipes that I may have not otherwise tried. There are some really great ones we’ve made over the years. Some of my favorites are the whipped feta and sugar snap peas and the creamy roasted tomato ricotta pasta – this one is a staple in my house now! 

What a year for our agency and the team at TSH! This is just a small glimpse into all of the phenomenal work and results we’ve delivered clients in 2023. Looking to 2024, if you resonates with some of the projects our team worked on, let’s chat! We’d love to partner with you in 2024 and help turn your marketing goals into celebrations. Reach out to us and let’s see what we can achieve together!


Marketing Tips: Building Your Brand’s Aesthetic


Cheers to NEW in 2024!