Revisiting AAF Student Day: A Journey from Student to Professional

In October, The Sampson House had the opportunity to help out at the South Dakota American Advertising Federation (AAF) annual Student Day event. The day was full of great speakers and a chance to connect with students who are looking to learn about working in marketing and advertising. Three people on our team, Renae Vinzant, Kaitlyn Kumm, and Kendal Schreier, have a closer tie with Student Day than most as they have all attended Student Day as a student within the last few years. Now being a professional in the industry, it brings great joy to give time back to an organization that strengthened their love for the advertising and marketing world. 

Renae Vinzant

Renae Vinzant, our Account and Media Strategist, enjoyed returning to Student Day as a young professional. As a Jackrabbit at South Dakota State University (SDSU), Renae had the opportunity to attend Student Day as a student herself. Flash forward four years, she is able to flip roles and connect with students from a different point of view. Take a look at the insights Renae gained both as a student and a professional in correspondence with Student Day!

As a Student:

When I was an advertising major at SDSU, I attended Student Day twice. Once my junior and again my senior year. It was a great way to get exposed to professionals in Sioux Falls and get a look at what working in the industry was like.

I appreciated being able to connect with professionals and have a chance to network with them and learn from them. It’s actually where I first was exposed to The Sampson House, so you never know where a small connection may have you end up! 

As a Professional:

Being asked back to participate in the roundtables at Student Day this year was wonderful. At roundtables, I spent a few minutes with a handful of students where they could ask me questions about the marketing industry, what it’s like to work at an agency, or how to find a job or internship after graduation. It was great to connect with the students attending our local universities and answer their budding questions about the marketing field!

My Advice for Students:

If you are interested in working in marketing, advertising, or graphic design, you should attend Student Day at least once. You have to take every opportunity that shows up at your door to learn about the field and the places you may want to work someday. Ask the questions you may have and take the day to learn, that’s what it’s there for! The day may seem intimidating, but everyone there is so excited to see you take the next step post-graduation and watch you succeed!

Kendal Schreier

While I was majoring in graphic design at SDSU, I went to student day one time my junior year. It was one of my fondest experiences in the graphic design program. I spent a lot of time preparing my portfolio and I was excited to share my enthusiasm for design with other professionals. In the one day, I learned a lot about the industry and made several important connections. 

Cut to two years later, it’s been a dream come true that I got to design the assets for the event. Although I didn’t get to the event myself, I feel enthusiastic in still being able to participate in some way or another. 

Kaitlyn Kumm

As an individual who went to this event last year as a student, it was a big flip to be the one on the other side of the table. I have a lot to be grateful to AAF for, as every year that I have attended Student Day, my passion for a future career grew more and more. I will always be the biggest cheerleader for our industry, as I am so passionate about the work that we do for clients and our community. At The Sampson House, we are huge on giving back to our community and to groups we have a strong connection to. Being able to volunteer my time towards an organization that I am so passionate about, such as AAF, is so incredibly rewarding. I cannot wait to continue to advocate and volunteer in the years to come! 

Thank you, AAF SD for putting on a wonderful event and connecting Sioux Falls professionals with students. The Sampson House team looks forward to the event in the future and the opportunity to speak to even more students!


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