October: A Season for Romanticizing Life’s Little Pleasures

The days continue to fly by, and just like that, it is already October. Between the weather FINALLY cooling down (maybe still holding our breath on that) and pumpkin decorations filling every hole in our homes, we can officially say fall is here to stay. 

October is the best time to romanticize your life and get the most out of what fall has to offer. This means paying attention to the little things: the first sip of an apple cider, the feel of a cozy sweater against your skin, the scent of a pumpkin spice candle filling your home, and the joy of watching a classic Halloween movie with someone special. By savoring these details, you can infuse your life with an extra layer of appreciation. 

So as we revel in the enchantment of the fall season, let’s keep embracing the cozy comforts and create memories that will continue to warm our hearts long after the leaves have fallen. As much as October is for spooky season, it is also an opportunity to infuse each day with a touch of wonder. 

While you are in a cozy state of mind, take the time to refresh your desktop background with our new desktop calendars below!


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